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glass ceiling’global code of conduct
看不见的晋级限制  detail>>
code of conduct
企业经营管理法规 行动守则 行为规范 行为守则 行为准则  detail>>
glass ceiling
玻璃天花板〔指公司中对女职员晋级的封顶〕。  detail>>
basic code of conduct
遵守基本行为准则  detail>>
code of conduct for defence counsel
辩护律师行为守则  detail>>
code of conduct for lien conferences
班轮工会业务守则  detail>>
code of conduct on arms exports
武器出口行为守则  detail>>
code of electoral conduct
选举行为守则  detail>>
code of ethics and professional conduct
职业道德准则 职业和专业行为守则  detail>>
code of international conduct
国际行为准则, 国际行为规范  detail>>
code of media conduct
媒体行为守则  detail>>
code on conduct and discipline
品行及纪律守则  detail>>
ethical code of conduct
道德行为规范  detail>>
hong kong code of conduct
香港经营守则  detail>>
icao code of conduct for auditors
国际民航组织审计员工作守则  detail>>
icrc code of conduct
红十字委员会行为守则  detail>>
international code of conduct
国际行为准则  detail>>
ngos code of conduct
非政府组织行为守则  detail>>